Job done

1. Substation 220 kV San Luis Transquillota , Supply, Education , Engineering, Construction and Commissioning Project of installation of Parallel Commissioning .

2. Transnet Lonchoche 66kV Substation , Construction and Commissioning Project replacement switches.

3. 66kV Substation Chivilcan Transnet , Construction and Commissioning of the draft replacement power transformer 66/15 kV and protections .

4. Substation 220 kV Valdivia Transelec EFACEC Contract , Construction and Commissioning Project Implementation Transfer Bar 220 kV.

5. Substation 500 kV Charrua Transelec HYOSUNG Contract , Construction and Commissioning Project Installation of the third bank autotransformers 500/220/66 kV / 750 MVA.

6. Hydroelectric Colbun Carena , Commissioning and Recording of protections in the Renewal Project power transformer .

7. 220 Kv lines , Candelaria - Colbun , and Candelaria - De Maipo Colbun , Protective Behavior Analysis , end to end testing with test cases synchronized by GPS, in DigSilent Modeling and processing of dynamic failures Comtrade format.

8. Ancoa 220kV lines , Candelaria , Maipo Colbun , Engineering, Construction and Commissioning Project Replacement distance protections at both ends.

9. 220 Kv lines 3 Bits , Sugar Loaf - Monte Redondo - Las Palmas De GDF - SUEZ (in development) , design, construction and commissioning of tele- protection supplement .

10. Substations and Central Complex Aconcagua Colbun details Engineering , Construction and Commissioning of Replacement Project protections Complex Aconcagua (in development) .

11. Electrical studies : Coordination and protection settings , Maitland 220kv lines - Caserones ( commissioned by Proingesa ) Coordination and protection settings of Central Photovoltaic Solar Pack 2 and 3 , Coordination and Protection settings , Energizing DC Adaptor Power , Harmonics , Park wind - Negrete Cuel Mainstream .

12. Conceptual studies : Hydroelectric Cochamó , Basic Engineering for hydropower plants of Perquilauquén ; Photovoltaic Parks and The Tapina The Saltpeter .

13. Conceptual Studies and Basic Engineering : Water Project Perquilauquén Company SA EPA

14. Conceptual engineering of PV Parks and The Tapina The Saltpeter .

15. Technical Audit for the CDEC -SIC , the Project Extreme Contingencies in the SIC (in development) .

16. Technical Audit facilities for control and protection of SING, commissioned by the CDEC -SING .

17. Lines 2x220kV San Luis - Quillota Transquillota Supply , Electrical studies , detail engineering , construction and commissioning of the Draft Replacement protections at both ends (in development) .

18. Barra 220kV Section No. 1 of the S / E of San Luis Transquillota Supply , Electric Study , Detailed engineering , Construction and Commissioning Project Replacement bar differential protection (in development) .

19. Polpaico 220kV lines - Maitenes Colbun Detail engineering , Construction and Commissioning Project Replacement distance protections at both ends (in development) .


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