Reliable Energy Engineering Limited - RELAY , is a company formed by electrical engineers, is focused to meet the demands of the company seeking technological solutions and innovative energy, which can be implemented with quality, safety and reliability and compliance with the Technical Regulations Security and Quality of Service .
We have engineers with over 15 years experience in areas of Design , Operation, Construction and Commissioning of Control Systems , Protection , Automation , EDAC Systems , Remote and Integration of IEDs in substation communication networks and electrical installations power Generation , Transmission and Distribution of energy . That is our calling card.
We can guide you and support you Conceptually , delivering optimal, innovative and intelligent to make your business more successful and managed both its economic, technical and quality targets economical solutions , and security of its facilities, and those where they connect .
We have experience in control systems , protection, automation , substation automation systems SAS -site high voltage from 66-500 Kilovolts . We know how to deliver services with safety , reliability and responsibility.
Consider a technology partner that will help you with your needs , please contact us .